Due to the impending storm, on-campus student services will be closed on Tuesday, August 4. Virtual services will remain available as much as feasible. Visit the Virtual Support Center. All daytime on-campus non-degree Workforce Continuing Education classes are canceled.
Wake Tech hosted a special graduation celebration today at the Perry Health Sciences Campus for students who have completed the dental assisting program. shadoweocket电脑端
Wake Tech’s Information Technology programs are well known for providing cutting-edge training and producing highly-qualified graduates – and now those graduates have exciting new options for starting careers while continuing to learn. » Read more
More than 2,300 Wake Tech graduates, including the grandson of Wake Tech’s first president, turned their tassels from the comfort of their homes on Saturday. shadoweocket电脑端
Wake Tech’s 43 soon-to-be simulation and game development graduates showcased their cool video game development skills during a virtual presentation on YouTube Tuesday night. » Read more
Current and prospective Wake Tech students can now utilize the college’s Virtual Support Center to help enroll for fall semester and access support services and academic resources. » Read more
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